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CORE Charter School

      Mark your Calendar ~ Spring Break ~ Monday, March 24th - Friday, March 28th     

Virtual School Spirit Week on Facebook

Hello CORE Families, 

While we are all home with our families during this national pause, let’s have some fun!

Next week, the week of March 30th – April 3rd, our CORE Facebook page will host a Virtual School Spirit Week. We miss seeing your smiling faces and would love to catch up with you. It will be a week of sharing all the fun things you and your family have been doing at home.

Monday – Family Day – Share a picture of you and your family playing a game, watching a movie, or any fun things you’re doing with your family. 

Tuesday – Talent Day – Share a picture or video of your talent. Playing an instrument, singing, drawing, painting, etc.

Wednesday – Craft Day – Show us a craft, art project or meal you cooked today or this week. Share a picture or video.

Thursday – Caring Day – Make a card or write a letter to someone in a care home or hospital. Mail the card or letter. 

Friday – Team Spirit Day – Share a picture of yourself in your favorite team shirt or hat. 

Every day we will have a special post for you to share these pictures or videos. Be sure they're "School Appropriate." If you don't want to post it yourself, you can send it to Ms. Sherry for her to post, or just share it with her to share with staff. We all miss you! We can’t wait to see what you are up to. Email Ms. Sherry at [email protected].

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